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Posts by tag: instruments

Violin Strings made from... Spider Silk!

Wednesday, 2nd September 2015 | 0 comments

The strings of a violin (and viola, and cello) are today usually made from a synthetic core (typically nylon) wound on the outside with metal (usually steel, sometimes with aluminium and sometimes gold-plated). In the past, strings were made from "catgut", but not (despite the popular assumption) actually made from the intestines of cats. "Catgut" was in fact made from stretched and dried sheeps' intestines! But now, violin strings have been made from a radically different material: spider silk!

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Virtuoso Performance: The Trombone

Virtuoso Performance: The Trombone

Tuesday, 5th May 2015 | 2 comments

When you think of a 'virtuoso', you might imagine a violinist or a pianist. One instrument you might not imagine is the trombone, which is more commonly associated with comic effects, circuses, and marching bands. Given sufficient musical talent, however, any instrument can be performed in amazing ways, and the trombone is no exception!

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Extended Instruments

Extended Instruments

Friday, 20th September 2013 | 4 comments

Every performer is familiar with how their instrument should sound: from knowing which end to blow down to how to produce a really clean tone with all the notes in tune. Yet what happens if you don't do what you're 'supposed' to do, and experiment with something different? Could the results be interesting, and even fun?

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