FREE 40-part music theory course!


Thank you for your interest in Clements Theory

Applying for your free account couldn't be easier!

Please complete the form below to tell us about your teaching and provide some contact details.

Please note that we may need to manually check the validity of the information entered, such as by telephone or by requesting further details by email.

1. Your details...

The instrument(s) that you teach (optional)
Your email address will be used to contact you and as the main login username for your Clements Theory account.
Not required, but very helpful to us - thanks!

2. Your business details...

This can be as simple as, for example "John Smith Trumpet Teacher"

3. Any questions or comments...

Have you read and do you agree to the Terms of Service?

That's it!

Once you click the button we'll process your application straight away, and we will contact you shortly with your account details.